2012.8.12 【sold out 】 A Workshop on Japanese Traditional Dance(Nihon Buyo)  日本舞踊 中村流「梅の手習ひ」

A workshop to experience Kabuki Dance (Japanese traditional dance) will be held on August 12th. Beginners will learn to dance one of the basic songs of Nihon Buyo, Japanese traditional dance.

Nihon Buyo is danced wearing a kimono. Shamisen music forms the base of the music, and it is enhanced with song and narration to create the scenes and stories. Character's feelings are expressed through costumes and choreography appropriate to the scene.

Nihon Buyo can be divided into Edo (Tokyo) dance, mainly Kabuki Dance, and Kamigata Dance. While Kabuki Dance is extroverted and danced with pronounced rhythm, Kamigata Dance is introverted and danced with slower rhythm to express emotions. In this workshop, you will experience Kabuki Dance by practicing one full song.

In the Nakamura styled Kabuki Dance, the master will explain the meaning of the dance during the lesson. You will learn the dance while receiving explanations such as, "These lyrics here are a play on words," and "These lyrics mean such and such, so it has to be danced with flair."




Date and Time: Sunday, August 12, 2012, meet at 10a.m.
*Please change into a yukata. Assistance will be available for putting on the yukata.

(1) Experience of the Japanese dance
from 10:00 to 11:00 changes of clothes
from 11:00 to 13:30 experience
(2) Lunch
from 13:30 to 15:30 lunch and break
(3) Presentation
from 15:30 to 16:30 presentation to review

1-1-10, Yokokawa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo
 (TEL 03-3622-0815)

Teachers: Umeya Nakmura,
Workshop fee: 9,500 yen (includes lunch and yukata rental)

 ①white tabi
 ②a T-shirt or a tank top
 ③spats or a half underwear
 ④Sandals or clogs
※We have you exclude accessories during the dance. So please do not acquire accessories if possible.

Contact us for your application or questions:

Sorry! Acceptance of your application has been closed. The secretariat of Greenware Academy Corporation(in charge: Ichiro Kondo)
E-mail :tours@studying-in-japan.com
Please notify the name of the representative person of the group, the number of the participants, nationality, and the contact telephone number.

開催日時 平成24年8月12日(日)10:00集合、17時頃解散
    10:00~11:00 浴衣に着替えなど
    11:00~13:30 体験教室
    13:30~15:30 昼食・休憩
    15:30~16:30 習ったことのおさらい

内容 日本舞踊の基礎(所作指導)曲をひとつ仕上げて、ゆかた会で披露します。

講師 中村梅彌 中村成代、中村芝女菊、中村芝暢ほか

参加費 9,500円(昼食、ゆかたレンタル代こみ)

会場 すみだパークスタジオ(東京都墨田区横川1-1-10)


※踊りの間はアクセサリー類をはずしてもらいますので、はずした際の紛失を  ふせぐため、最初からなるべくアクセサリー類をつけてこないでください。

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